By Friends of East Whitby




We are holding a 7 a-side football tournament

and invite parents/guardians of children from all years to put your name forward for the event and to help raise money for the school


Event Name:    7 a side football event

When:  Sunday 26th September

Time:  12pm to 2pm

Where:  East Whitby Academy field

Cost:  £3 per person


Refreshments will be available on the day



All paid entries will play

Max 7 per team

20 min per game 

Entrants can only register for 1 team




How will the event work?

  • You must be registered to play BEFORE the event (the sides will be allocated a day or 2 before hand so it all goes smoothly on the day).   
  • Registration can only be done by entering the school reception area, paying your £3 fee and entering your name and details on the sheet that reception hold
  • Participants will be placed into teams, representing the year in which their child plays for.   If a parent has more than 1 child at the school, the parent will be allocated to the team with the fewer amount of players
  • 7 a–side format, 2 subs max are allowed
  • Each game will consist of 20 mins.  No Half time, just played straight through
  • A win will equal 3 points, a draw 1 point
  • In the event of a semi final or final resulting in a draw, it will go straight to penalties (best of 5 pens)
  • Referees will conduct the games and their word if final


What do I need to do on the day?

  • Please arrive 10/15 minutes before 12 midday if you are playing
  • A disclaimer will need to be completed before you are allocated to your team
  • A quick format briefing to all teams will be undertaken at 12:15pm


What do I wear?

  • Where something neutral on top – ideally a white top (so your bib stands out)
  • Strictly NO football boots allowed (you must be wearing trainers or astro boots)
  • Shinpads MUST be worn
  • Please ensure earrings and any other items of jewellery (i.e Chains) are removed


Will there be refreshments?

  • Yes.  Hot food and snacks will be available along with hot and soft drinks
  • NO Alcohol is allowed onto the field (this is school event on school premises)


Who can play?

  • Parents/Guardians of a child in the school
  • Or, 1 member of family can represent a child in East Whitby School
  • Players MUST be 18 years or over.  This is ADULT football

Can I spectate?

  • Absolutely, this is a fund-raising event
  • Spectators are asked to kindly donate in the bucket based at the refreshments stand as a form of entrance fee and are asked to not bring their own picnic but instead help the event be a successful one by purchasing refreshments and snacks from Friends of East Whitby

Example Format


12:30                     Nursery / Reception       v              Year 1 / Year 2

12:50                     Year 3 / Year 4                  v              Year 5 / Year 6

13:10                     Year 1 / Year 2                  v              Year 3 / Year 4

13:30                     Year 5 / Year 6                  v              Nursery / Reception

14:00                     Nursery / Reception       v              Year 3 / Year 4 

14:20                     Year 1 / Year 2                  v              Year 5 / Year 6


However, if one or more years gets 7 sign-ups on their own, they will break out into their own team.

Therefore, timings above are heavily caveated at this stage (could easily end up being a 4pm finish)